Our Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We come to You with our hearts open and sincere. We thank You so much for just blessing us to see a new day. We thank You whole heartedly for our spiritual, physical and mental health. We thank You for our family and friends. We would like to extend our prayer for our move back home, to Dallas! We sincerely ask and pray that this move will come soon and have your blessing. We are ready to serve You, better and stronger, as Your servants. You know our personal challenges and we just ask that You continue to bless us with the strength to endure! Thank You!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Arranged Marriage??!!!

Hey Fam & Friends!!

As you know, MaKenzie is the "woman" in Korlon's life. Their relationship is blossoming so beautifully! Check them out! Enjoy the pics!!!!!:)

Is the world ready for them on the road? Well, get ready because HERE THEY COME!
Check out MaKenzie rocking it out to the tunes of the actual radio in this truck!
Check out MaKenzie with the leg hanging out! Where does she get these crazy actions Missy?
In other words, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!!!! LOL!!!
Korlon is really posing isn't he? We have very cool kids!!
Because of their curiousity and limited attention spans, they decide to make things interesting....
Do we see future love birds? Aren't they just precious?!!!
Korlon, saying "CHEESE" loudly and proudly!
Makenize is probably telling him to calm down...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Favorite Uncle Roy

Hey Fam,
Here are couple of pics from our recent Dallas trip...with our favorite Uncle Roy! We had a great time and they treated us like royalty! Strange right?! Well, I am his favorite niece and I followed his advice of marrying Dee. He has pretty good advice and insight! We love he and Aunt Gene dearly! Enjoy!!

Here is Korlon and Uncle Roy being good ole country boys!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Hobby!

Ok, as some of you know, I have really gotten into scrapbooking. More so now than ever! And, I am currently learning how to do it digitally. It is both fun and relaxing...and I get to partake in one of my favorite pasttimes.. looking through old pictures! This is my first project. I am a rookie so be gentle with the criticism!

Chalk Time!!

Hey Everyone!

Check me out... two blogs in one week! This adventure is yet another funtime shared with Makenzie during our playdates. We don't know at what point it happens, but the Power Wheels become boring, throwing dirt and rocks become even more boring BUT, eating and body art with chalk becomes the GREATEST FUN EVER! Kenzie likes to hold it in her mouth like a binky...until Milissa runs toward her and she throws it while running and laughing! They both enjoy dumping all of the freakin chalk onto the ground while tossing some pieces in the air (and yes, they do break every single time!!!) Ken has even decided that she wanted to share her chalk with the sewer. Yes, she rolled several pieces into the drain on purpose. She was very entertained... even more so when she saw Milissa's dismay. I am the bad one though. I actually laugh with Kenzie which probably makes it worse but she is so darn cute!
And even though they take over everyone's driveway, having more than plenty of concrete to exhibit their artwork, they prefer to color their cheeks, foreheads, arms, hands, clothes and shoes. A minimial amount, usually drawn by us moms, end up on the actual concrete. We try to see who starts what first but, it always end up looking a little bit like the following...Enjoy the pics!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Korlon and MaKenzie

Hello Fam & Friends!
I greatly apologize for the delay in posting but I will make it very worthwhile with this one! Alot has been going on and changing, some good and some okay but we sincerely THANK YOU for your continuous thoughts and prayers! Ok, Ok, now for Korlon! Ladies and gentlemen, I am smitten to announce that Korlon has his first GIRLFRIEND! Her name is Makenzie and she is also 2 years old. They are neighbors of ours and they pretty much have daily playdates. Last week, however, we missed a few "dates" and boy did we (the moms) pay for it! When they did reunite they were absolutely "WILD AND CRAZY!" Running up and down the street, throwing dirt, absolutely NOT listening to their moms, absolutely NOT understanding the word "NO," etc. Just pure craziness. But, we did have to turn our heads to giggle and laugh because it was pretty funny. And, since our children are BFFs, Milissa (Ken's mom) and I have also become BFFs. Her hubby has nicknamed us the "desperate housewives." That too is pretty funny! Also, MaKenize is very protective and territorial of Korlon. Dee attempted to discipline Korlon in front of MaKenzie and boy did she stand up for her guy! First she pointed and shook her finger at Dee, showing her dislike with his actions AND she gave him "the look" stating that he had better leave Korlon alone. Dee then proceeds to place Korlon in time-out and guess what MaKenzie does?.....She sits in time-out with Korlon and gives Dee "the look" again! She cracked us all up at that point. It is pretty cute to see this 3ft tall precious little princess standing up to this 6ft tall giant. These memories are too great! I love being a mom!

Here they are being Big Kids and having a cool drink! Maybe Korlon will get the hang of drinking out of the straw and maybe Kenzie will connect the two (straw and box). They usually just dump the juice out of the hole! FUNNY KIDS!!!

Here they are sitting on someone else's doorstoop...luckily they weren't home because Korlon continuously rang their doorbell and knocked on the door.

Here they are hanging out at MaKenzie's crib!

Ok, seriously...for this picture...it may have taken Milissa 10 tries because they wouldn't sit still or face forward or smile or anything...because we wanted a picture...so this is just a freestyle!

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