Our Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We come to You with our hearts open and sincere. We thank You so much for just blessing us to see a new day. We thank You whole heartedly for our spiritual, physical and mental health. We thank You for our family and friends. We would like to extend our prayer for our move back home, to Dallas! We sincerely ask and pray that this move will come soon and have your blessing. We are ready to serve You, better and stronger, as Your servants. You know our personal challenges and we just ask that You continue to bless us with the strength to endure! Thank You!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt!!!!!

Happy Easter Everyone! Here are a few pics of Korlon Easter egg hunting!

Heading out the door for the hunt!!

Egg-cited!!! Let's go Mom and Dad!

Bucket is almost full!

And another one!

And another one!
Korlon doing his "happy" dance upon discovering the treats in the eggs!

OOHHHHH!! And another one!

Discussing something with Daddy...
Full bucket! And, he's soooo egg-cited still!

Deserted bucket and eggshell, while he's off enjoying the candy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Meet Jiggi Buggs!!!!!:o)

Meet the newest addition to the Henry family! His name is Jiggi Buggs! As many of you know, our last yorkie passed away January 31st. He was presumably poisoned by antifreeze which was poured into our yard. We have asked God to forgive and deal with the individual who was responsible. Jiggi Buggs arrived at the airport at 3am this morning. He was a complete nervous wreck but that only lasted about five minutes upon reaching home. We named him Jiggi, after our first Jiggles and Buggs because of his Bugs Bunny ears (Dee's suggestion!). Isn't he precious?

Yes, he is spoiled and eating off a silver platter!
Jiggi Buggs and Ky or ebony and ivory...
Too cute!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Korlon's 4th trip to the Dentist...

Well folks, I realized again today, that I am OCD with our kiddo. He is barely 2 1/2 years old and has been to the dentist 4 times. I can't help it...he is my baby! Check out some of the photo documentation.
Here he is in the entertaining waiting area playing the Wii or PS3...
Still at it...

This was the 1st dental area and he was very overstimulated...

Even the Spongebob movie on the ceiling t.v. wouldn't do...
On to the second dental area...a private quiet room...as they called it. Now, he has been 3 times before with just me (Mom) and I NEVER EVER had these problems...But when Dad (oh the Dad!) comes, all trouble breaks loose. The tech felt as though she needed assistance from the dentist to restrain him. What's up with that? See the pic below as the saga continues...

Why are we paying when he does it himself?....BRAT!

Thank God for the patience of this woman!

He finally gave in and laid down...but you can see both Dee and I holding him down!

And to top the adventurous afternoon off, check out the following!

And yes...those are butt cheeks that you see...he changed himself with both legs thru one hole!
Funny funny funny Korlon!!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

K-Man Update!!!!

Alot has been going on and he is in to EVERYTHING!!! Check him out!

Getting ready to go! The sunglasses are a must!

Attempting underage driving...
Still attempting...
Cooking with my mom...
...being extra sweet so that I can get plenty cupcakes
...still being extra extra good...
Grubbing on my favortie BBQ chicken and green beans!
...still grubbing...second helping...
Our sweet and lazy Ky and yes his legs are in the air...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

He Is Getting Big!

Hi All,
I won't bore you with words so, just enjoy the pics! Much Love!

He is sleeping like his Dad
He is manipulative with the crocodile tears and a smile!
He is dressing himself...or so he thinks!
He lounges in the t-shirt showing off the great smile and fresh haircut!
More pictures soon!!!!

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